Beautiful wooden front door

The Benefits of Wooden Doors 

When renovating a home, choosing the materials for your doors may not be at the forefront of your mind; however, this decision is crucial for a number of reasons. First, the material you select has the capabilities to transform the…

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Beautiful handcrafted wooden door

What We Do at Darcy Joinery 

 As a well-established joiner covering the Manchester area for over 50 years, you can count on Darcy Joinery for many projects in and around the home. We have years of experience in all types of projects and an excellent track…

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Enhance Your Home with Wooden French Doors

There are many decisions to make when choosing to renovate or extend your home. One decision is that of what door to choose. One practical and aesthetically pleasing choice is that of the wooden French door. This style and finish…

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lovely sash windows

Why Choose Sash Windows?

Here at Darcy Joinery, we only want the best for our customers, which is why we provide high-quality materials alongside exceptional service as standard. Our 30 years of experience as joiners in Manchester speak for themselves when looking at the…

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Drawers Under Stairs

Design a Hallway to Impress

The humble hallway deserves more attention than it gets. It is the very first room that you step into in your home and the last glimpse you see as you leave. The hallway fulfils an important function, acting as the…

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Space Saving Staircases

Here in the UK, we have the smallest houses in Europe, so many homeowners are looking at ways to increase their available space. As an experienced staircase manufacturer, we often work with people who are looking for a space-saving solution…

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person coming down stairs with a box in the hands

Guide to Choosing the Perfect Staircase

A staircase is an essential feature of any multi-level home, connecting one floor to another. Your staircase can be a grand focal point that draws the eye, or stay tucked away to provide a practical use in a home with…

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How to Add Period Details to Your Home

Period properties are incredibly popular and known for their beautiful, intricate detailing. A lot of modern houses are quite bland in comparison, without the high ceilings, sculpted moulding and sash windows that older properties are renowned for.

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