How to Make Your Home’s Stairs Safer for Everyone?

Stairs in the house are a safety challenge that you have to face, especially with children or older people in your family. There are solutions that you can use to make them safer, and doing so is easier than you might think. From adding simple gadgets to teaching your family safe habits, there are plenty of steps you can take to make your stairs safer and prevent falls and injuries at home.

Whether you’re a new parent making adjustments for your little ones or are looking to create a safer environment for your ageing parents, in this blog, we’ll explore a few easy and effective ways to help you make your home a safer place for all.

A baby crawling on the floor behind a wooden gate

How to Make Stairs Safe for Little Ones?

Making stairs safe for little ones is a big part of home safety. Young children are naturally curious, and stairs can pose a serious risk. Here are some simple steps to improve safety in your home for the smallest members of your family.

  • Use Safety Gates: Place safety gates at the top and bottom of your stairs and always ensure they are securely fixed. Remember to keep them closed when not in use. You can find easy-to-install and durable gates at children’s stores.
  • Apply Anti-Slip Strips: Keep your little ones from slipping by sticking anti-slip strips on each step. They are available in different colour options that complement your stair colour.
  • Install Safety Railings: If your stairs don’t have railings, it’s a good idea to install them so your children can use them for support as they learn to explore their surroundings.
  • Clear the Stairs: Items lying on the stairs can be a tripping hazard. Make a rule to keep the stairs clear of any toys, shoes, or other items.
  • Add Lighting: Make sure that the area around your staircase is bright enough. Install night lights if needed. This can help prevent stumbles and falls when it’s dark.
  • Teach Stair Safety: In addition to making physical changes to your home, it’s important to teach little ones about stair safety. They should learn to hold onto the railings and not to play near or on the stairs.

Unfortunately, you can’t eliminate every risk. But by following these tips, you can make your home’s stairs much safer for your children. Choose a reliable staircase joinery to reduce risk for your loved ones.

A person sitting on a stair lift

Stairs Security for Seniors

Another group of people in your house who will struggle with the risk of falling from stairs are seniors. Their balance may be different from what it used to be, making it more difficult to climb up and down the stairs. Here are some simple ways to better secure your stairs for seniors.

  • Install Sturdy Handrails: If your stairs don’t already have them, choose one of the best staircase suppliers and get handrails installed on both sides. They will provide important support for climbing upstairs or walking downstairs.
  • Improve Lighting: As we age, our eyes may struggle in lower light. Again, make sure your stair area is well-lit so seniors can see each step clearly. Consider adding night lights for safer navigation after dark.
  • Keep Stairs Clear: Always make sure that stairways are free of clutter. Items on the stairs can cause trips and falls for anyone, not only kids or older people.
  • Use Non-Slip Mats: Placing non-slip mats on each step can provide extra grip and stability. Choose brightly coloured mats to make the steps more visible.
  • Consider Stairlifts: If climbing stairs becomes too challenging, think about installing a stairlift. It provides a safe and easy way to move up and down the stairs.

Remember that alongside these physical changes, encouraging safe habits like using handrails, not rushing, and wearing non-slip shoes can greatly improve stair safety for seniors.

A dog standing on a wooden staircase

Pet-Proofing Your Stairways

Just like children and seniors, our furry family members can also face dangers when it comes to stairs. Pets can slip or injure themselves, especially since they love racing up and down. Here’s how you can make your stairways safer for them.

  • Install Baby Gates: Baby gates aren’t just for babies! They can also help keep pets safe by restricting access to stairs when you’re not there to supervise.
  • Anti-Slip Solutions: Add anti-slip tape or carpet on each step. This helps give your pets a better grip and prevents them from sliding.
  • Keep It Clear: Again, ensure stairs are always free from small objects. Pets might try to pick these up with their mouths, risking a fall.
  • Regular Nail Trimming: Long nails can reduce your pet’s grip on the stairs. Keeping their nails trimmed can help them maintain better control as they walk or run up and down.

Making these small changes can greatly reduce the risk of falls and injuries for your pets, making them feel more at home and safe.

Partner with Darcy Joinery for Better Stair Safety

At Darcy Joinery, we’re passionate about creating masterpieces that can last and are safe for everyone. We guarantee that our products are manufactured to the highest standards so that you can trust their safety. With many years of experience, we learned how to combine innovative design and outstanding quality. If you’re looking for reliable oak loft stairs, we have numerous finished projects at Darcy Joinery and many more to go! Contact us, and let’s make your home safer together!